Dear H and M, If your reading this today, I’m sure you both have grown into two beautiful looking ladies who your smart enough to understand what I’m trying to tell you. I’ve written this for you two to read and cherish the moments your dad and I had with you ! And what we […]
Things Never To Say To A Pregnant Woman!
The journey of pregnancy is indeed an amazing one, and then there are some people, who sometimes can say things that upset, scare or just downright annoy any mother-to-be. So before you put your foot in your mouth and make a pregnant lady cry, take a look at these things you should probably never say […]
Reflections: The Seventh Month!
Wow it’s been seven months since we have had our second munchkin and life has got yet another meaning ever since. These seven months have taught we so much as a parent! I can’t believe the Little Thing is growing so fast, and only get more adorable with each day. Every time I look at […]
Toddler Therapy
Have you ever looked at your ever-active toddler and thought of that any ‘bit’ of action that might help you ease your body pains?? Especially for moms who are dead tired at the end of a super long and a tiring day!! Let’s just assume that there are moms who still have all that energy […]
Things Motherhood Has Taught Me
Motherhood is one of the most beautiful phases in every woman’s life! And mine is no different! It brought so many things in one shot! And taught me a world of things.. all big and small! 🙂 I slipped into motherhood thinking of all those articles I had read on the internet and thought I […]
They Are Growing, TOGETHER!!
Six months ago when the Little Thing was born, her big sister was only 20 months old and the only child in our lives. When I first discovered I was pregnant, more than anything, I worried about the division of that unconditional love and the bond I shared with the Big Thing. I couldn’t imagine […]
I’m A Crappy Mom!!
Ever since I started blogging and reading other parenting blogs, one thing has always impressed me and that’s how every mom has her own perspective and her own way of bringing up her kiddos! And the fact that everyone receives equal acceptance from their readers. One thing is for sure,we may have different parenting styles […]
Reflections: The Sixth Month!
Half of a year!! Wow!! Alhamdulillah ( meaning ‘praise be to the Lord’!!) 😀 😀 The Little Thing is indeed growing super-fast!! I think 6 months ago when she was yet to be born the Family and I faced some of the hardest times fearing her health and well-being! And then she happened the very next day […]
Reflections: The Fifth Month
It feels as if it was only yesterday that we brought her home after going through a whole lot of drama for over two long days and much longer nights. Time just flew by and tomorrow she’ll start the sixth month of her life! InshaAllah! (meaning ‘if the Lord wills’) And this is how she […]
She Makes Us Laugh!
Yes I’m talking about the Big Thing! She’s a true enchantress ,with just one spell she changes our mood for baddest to super-good!! 😀 Last night we went to see her Grandpa who isn’t keeping well these days.. Guess it’s again cos of the weather or probably something as natural. Let’s just keep it simple. A.L.W.A.Y.S. […]