I’m always looking for people to guest post on my blog.
If you would like to write a post for me, or have an old post featured on my blog, or if you don’t have a blog of your own and you still want to write a post for me then please contact me on hfareen(at)gmail(dot)com.
Before submitting your guest post, please read the following guidelines:
- Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. All submissions will be reviewed and if found beneficial for TheMommyBlog readers it will definitely be published.
What can you post
- Preference will always be given to those writers who are genuine readers or followers of TheMommyBlog. Guest posts with purely a “visit my website” or “check out these products” type of intent will not be accepted. Likewise, PR or SEO oriented submissions from marketers will not be entertained.
- Posts must be high-quality, original content (i.e. not published anywhere else online). You are also cautioned from re-posting the entire post as it is at any other website after publishing on TheMommyBlog.
Topics can you write on
Topics which we would like to receive guest posts on currently are as follows
- Parenting tips for New Mothers
- Review of Books, baby care products or momma stuff.
- Art and Craft activities
- Easy, simple and kid-friendly recipes
- Household tips or tricks
- Your Parenting Story
- Any other idea you think might interest TheMommyBlog readers
What should your post be like?
- Please limit your post to 500-600 words. Use www.wordcounttool.com to check the length of your posts.
- To make posts visibly interesting and easy to read, please use bullets, small paragraphs, title & sub headings in your posts.
- Please use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Guest posts which require too much of editing will not be entertained.
- You can provide a link to your blog or 2-3 helpful links in the post. Affiliate links are not allowed.
- You can either type your post in plain text or word or even email. Please do not include any html in the post.
- Here is a sample post written a while back. http://hfareensspace.com/2014/09/15/reebaby-diaper-bag-review/ This should be your benchmark for quality.
What else do I require
- Three or Four high resolution pictures related to the post. In case they are not your images I would need a source for the images. Please do not submit random images from google search.
- Include a short bio (50 words or less) at the end of your post along with a photograph (if possible)
What do you get for yourself
- If you are a blogger then you get a link back to your blog.
- If you are not a blogger and don’t require a link back then you get to start with our blog.
- Frequent guest posters can become permanent contributors to TheMommyBlog and a page with all contributors and their links will be set up soon.
Kindly adhere to these guidelines as much as possible, to ensure that your guest post is accepted and published.
If you have any questions. Feel free to shoot me a mail!
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